Passport Thoughts

I never concern myself
with the last thing,
only the next.

Popeye used to help
people for free.
I suspect the spinach was actually rum.

What’s more stereotypical
than a sailor
who likes to drink
and fight?

People often mistake
original for strange.

A lot of people don’t know
that “tha’y” is short form
of ‘that’ and ‘they’.

Hello clipboard my old

The never-ending battle
spanned beyond 15
seconds which is a
lifetime in a spar.

‘ You’ll miss me when I’m
gone!’ Yelled the professional

We all want to believe
the villain.

Daily ablutions before
bed is an important
ritual as it washes
away the toils of the

The winningest strategy
of any group is to
move together. Every
atomic group eventually comes
together so moves together.

We popped out of things
moving together.
They moved together
so hard that they created

The bad news is that
my glass is empty.
the good news is that
my bottle is not.

I’ve always suspected
myself of being a
very talented country
music lyricist.

Winter is coming and
there’s something terrifying
about that.

As I get older I
understand what it
means to stiffen up
in the cold.
Horny Eskimo men have
been doing it for centuries.

Snobs are probably
better at detecting
quality items from

Intention is everything
in art.

Double adjectives work
if you put the emphasis
on the right one.

I heard of a
who could climb
throughout the fabric
of time. He only
visits people on
vision quests.

A man alone
made himself vulnerable
to the people around
him. That’s your

One version has
happy ending and the other
makes you feel guilty.
‘Thanks a lot for killing
our savior, me!’

We all victims should
get together and
support each other,
we all 9.7 billion
of us.

If you don’t get it
don’t hate it.
I didn’t get every
favourite art before I
loved it.

If nobody ever calls
You a snob, your
tastes are entirely
too general,
It’s important to get
snobby about some things.

I’m on much better
terms with what I’m
not than what I am.

I guess they used a
train analogy down
there at the Conjunction

That which doesn’t move
eventually gets covered
in dirt.

‘That was a fun
way to grow up.
On that big dusty mold
ball,’ your 7th generation
grand child explained to
her grandchildren.

To be inspired by
the mundane is at
the soul of any artist.

who is this?
who is this?
The answers to these
two questions will tell
you exactly who you are
right now and that you
need to change to the
other one.

Someone spilled whine
on me again.

Tuna can sounds like
it should be followed
by verb.

Did you notice the
shadow or the grains
in the wood?
They’ve always been
there but you’re always
been dismissive of

Dressed in sweaters.
All of the perfect products
dressed in sweaters.

The joke was that the man
had become canned.

If you’re not challenging
yourself, you’re stagnating.
Once that rotting process
begins, you’re a victim.

‘I’ll continue being
genuine,’ she told of
her future plans.

A belly full of wine
is a wonderful substitute
for bellly full of
food, ‘ The alcoholic
corrected his

If you had to
hang around with
yourself 24/7 you’d
go mad. The differences
are what make
us great friends.

How conflicted
would I feel about
a father like me?

Seek out he who
teaches outside of
the book.

‘Purchase some type
of industrial equipment’
His industrialist grandfather
instructed him.
‘You’ll find some use
for it,’ we went on

Shiva’s destruction is
the great reset button.

Eating yogurt and
cheese together is
a little like eating
chicken and eggs

The little thing
moved because that
was the result of
all of those interactions.

Each of our lives is
a strange life.

The inner thoughts, your mind
are infinite. Never forget
to explore your mind in times
of physical inactivity.

‘I was the awkwardly
intimidating guy this
time round, eh?’
Sean Connery asked God.

I’m not sure if
Jesus is funnier than
God or not.

Why can I only see the
lesson in retrospect and
not in forethought?

The voice that overcomes
has its own way of
being projected.

obsessed I am

forethought didn’t come
easy, I had to look
for antonyms.

Only they who recognize
obsession can
be free of it.

He made it a thing
of no things and that’s
how we knew he was
our messah.